Market Trend cooperated with Asia Motion E-Sports Association to introduces Hong Kong's first e-sports stadium! Boasting 3,400sq ft, the AME Stadium has five main e-sports facilities, including rowing across Victoria Harbour; horse racing, and cycling that mimics the famous Lung Wo Road cycling competition route. All of them are Market Trend self-developed games incorporating VR multiplayer systems and professional sports simulators.
To make the experience even more realistic and exciting, players will be able to create an avatar on the AME platform with AI and AR technology, while wearing a smart bracelet designed specifically for interactive e-sports to analyse their performance. Data will then be collected to generate a report that illustrates their fitness level in power, balance, coordination, agility, speed, reaction, as well as the number of calories burned during the session. This allows players to understand their strengths and weaknesses in order to have a better